Tuesday, June 30, 2020
So what is Fintech? Fintech is a broad term, covering direct money transfers, crowdfunding, and direct to consumer lending. But an important part of fintech is embedding financial products in everyday consumer and business products. For example, Amazon offers free credit on every purchase, although it is often better to use an Amazon credit card for a 5 percent discount, assuming that you pay your credit card bill every month. Of course the Amazon credit card and the Apple credit card are actually fintech services as well. But Amazon went even further, partnering with Goldman Sachs to offer small business loans of up to $1 million to its merchants. Shopify has also rolled out loans to its customer base, loaning out over $750 million to date. A big advantage for existing companies in offering financial products to existing customers is a built-in client base, as well as knowledge of what financial services a customer may need.